segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2015

Amor e saudade

Dejinha de Monteiro, Dejinha do Nordeste

A música regional de Dejinha, esse autêntico forró pé-de-serra, resgata o que há de melhor do Romantismo clássico: a força do sentimento e a pureza do amor cortês.
A música de Dejinha de Monteiro é um verdadeiro encantamento estético nesses tempos de vazio musical. Por que nos encantaríamos ao ouvir palavras que nos inspiram a vivenciar sentimentos de: amor, paixão, saudade, perda e felicidade? A liquidez humana e a corrida desenfreada pelo sucesso a qualquer preço, na qual se tornou a vida, não tem encanto, só solidão e neuroses. O forró de Dejinha nos convida a pensar a vida sob outros ângulos: menos pretencioso, menos megalomaníaco. Na verdade, a nossa realização não estaria nas coisas simples da vida?
Nas letras de Dejinha recordo o ímpeto do amor romântico com toda a sua força: “Se é pra chorar, eu choro se é pra sofrer eu sofro, sem ninguém saber...”. O poeta, através das suas letras, não oculta os sentimentos que muitas vezes nos arrebatam, quer estejamos desesperados na rua: “saio pela madrugada, sem saber aonde ir, todo mundo que eu vejo, penso que é você ali”, quer no mais íntimo da nossa casa: “venha logo me amar... sem você eu não tenho valor... menina o que eu quero é o seu amor”. Sentimentos que às vezes doem, mas quão triste seria a nossa existência se pudéssemos viver sem eles.
O amor cortês desabrocha: o homem não é nada sem os encantos da mulher. É preciso senti-la, amá-la, chorar sua perda, lamentar seu erro. Tudo com um toque de realismo é verdade, pois, também não dá para “viver de aparência”, mesmo sabendo que “ainda te amo, ainda sinto saudade, você me deixou sem dizer a verdade”. Mesmo com esses retoques realistas, uma coisa não se pode ocultar: a nossa felicidade está no amor, é preciso busca-lo a qualquer preço.
A música regional de Dejinha, esse autêntico forró pé-de-serra, resgata o que há de melhor do Romantismo clássico: a força do sentimento e a pureza do amor cortês, pois nada melhor do que “dar valor a pessoa que ama”. É preciso ouvir o som de Dejinha para reencantar a nossa vida ao lado de quem agente verdadeiramente ama. Parabéns à Prefeitura de Monteiro por homenagear esse formidável forrozeiro: homem simples, grande sanfoneiro, Dejinha de Monteiro, Dejinha do Nordeste.

Professor Otacílio Gomes da Silva Neto

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2015

A Definition of What a Good Teacher Is

A good teacher has several skills and good preparation. He/she must be preparing for new challenges because the world is changing so much. New technologies of information are improving the communication between people around the world. The word, “education” requires thinking and re-thinking about the goal of teach. But, to be a good teacher, it is necessary to join technology and human values. For example, my nephew has a teacher in his high school whose name is Joana Sousa (fictitious name). She is devoted to her job, so the students love her. Although she loves teaching, she is not able to use the computer in her class. It is a problem. The students are able to use new technologies such as, computers, cell phones, power points, while Ms Sousa ignore the benefits of technologies, perhaps for several reasons. Consequently, the education in Sousa’s class is insufficient - not totally of course - because it doesn’t follow the Modern World.

In contrast, some new teachers are able to work with digital technology as a result of an efficient study at the private school or university although they haven’t sufficient experience in the classrooms. Some situations in Brazil are interesting, for example, in the morning teachers might begin their classes using excellent power point or similar technology. Suddenly, the energy goes off, and then, they always are nervous and stressed due do their few skills to teach. The classes finish early because of their insecurity. In conclusion, teachers can be able to learn new technologies however they can’t achieve good outcomes. Thus, what should teachers do?

Teachers can learn new technologies and encourage the students to read and study more and more. However, values such as simplicity, dedication and friendship must be a part of the Colleges and the Universities. Then, as to the professionalism, the teacher must be politically engaged. “Nobody is an island”, we say in Brazil because our society encourages individualism and consumerism very much. At times, some professionals of Education believe in the Union to increase their salary, only. They forget that other values, such as citizenship and Civil Rights are important, too. Therefore, a good teacher must be capable of incorporating both, the new values of cyber culture with human values.

Prof. Otacílio Gomes da Silva Neto

quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2015

mãozinhas de anjo

não encontraram uma caixa de sapato
mãos vazias de ignorância, mãos desprezíveis
mãos toscas, malvadas
mãozinhas unidas, solitárias, mãozinhas de anjo,
desconsoladas mãozinhas, desprezadas
não encontraram uma caixa de sapato
não era um caixa de sapato
não era

(Prof. Otacílio Gomes da Silva Neto)
"Canta-me, ó deusa, do Peleio Aquiles
A ira tenaz, que, lutuosa aos Gregos,
Verdes no Orco lançou mil fortes almas,
Corpos de heróis a cães e abutres pasto:
Lei de Jove, em rixa ao discordarem
O de homens chefe e o Mirmidon divino."

(Ilíada, 1-6) Trad. Odorico Mendes

quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2015

Homero - Ilíada - Canto I

Atenção Alunos de Filosofia da Educação - Letras, CCHE - 2015

O texto que deverá ser lido para o início do curso está indicado abaixo:

HOMERO. Ilíada. Trad. Odorico Mendes. Cotia: Ateliê Editorial/Ed. da Unicamp 2008 (Canto I).

Aproveitem a leitura
Professor Otacílio Gomes da Silva Neto

terça-feira, 10 de março de 2015

Comparisons and Contrasts about the History between Brazil and United States

            The objective of this essay is the comparison of the origins of two countries: United States and Brazil. This essay will be developing three main points: colonization, independency and slavery. Similarities and differences will be investigated during this history period that involved these countries.
            The first main point is about colonization. The United States was discovered in 1492, while Brazil was discovered in 1500. Therefore, only eight years differ between  both discoveries. They happened at almost the same time. But, the beginning of the colonization was very different in these countries.
            Exploitation colonialism developed in Brazil until its independence in 1822. This type of colonialism involved a few colonialists who came from Portugal. The focus of this model was to send natural resources, such as wood, gold, sugar to the cities located in Portugal. On the other hand, in the United States another type of colonization called settler colonialism was introduced. The settler colonialism was formed by a huge immigration motivated by religion and political conflicts located in West Europe (England, Ireland, some parts of German, France and Netherland).
            Because of strong European influence, the Christian culture is similarly an important part of Brazil and the United States. However, in the United States different Christian church and small communities of Jews were established around the West Coast from Massachusetts to South Carolina. This is important because the origins of the United States were motivated by tolerance while in Brazil there was only influence realized by the Catholic Church.
            The second main point is about independency. The United States was independent from England in 1776. Brazil was independent from Portugal in 1822. These countries were independent from European countries. In contrast, the United States achieved its independence by the bloody war with England. The colonies of America formed the Union Army to fight of their independence for four years, while in Brazil there was not war with Portugal. There were small revolts around the Northeast Coast and Southeast Brazil, but they were insufficient to get its independence. The independence of Brazil happened by strange event that involved the Regent Prince and his father, the King of Portugal.
            Finally, these two countries adopted slavery regime for many years. People coming from Africa such as slaves worked hardly at the fields the Unites States and Brazil. They did not have rights because the laws protected white people, only. In Eighth Century, groups of people called abolitionists who defended the end of the slavery wanted the freedom for everybody.
But, this situation was resolved in the United States due violent Civil War that happened between 1861 and 1865 and that involved states from South called The Confederates and the states from the North called The Union Army. The Confederates defended the continuation of slavery, but they were defeated after four years of combat. In contrast, in Brazil the freedom came from a law created by Princess Isabel who was member of Real Family.
            In conclusion, the effects of colonization were different for two countries. The United States made its democracy “with own hands”, while in Brazil the history of democracy was very intermittent and inconstant. But, despite of inconstant history of it democracy Brazil is the most important country of the South America. Therefore, the history of this countries present similitudes and differences however to Brazil and the United States the democracy is an important value to all of government’s system.

Otacílio Gomes da Silva Neto
March 10, 2015